Exclusive 10% Discount

On Online Orders

Chicken Kebab

Chicken Kebab

Chicken Biryani

Chicken Biryani

Mexican Beef Rice Bowl

Mexican Beef Rice Bowl

Chicken Quesadillas

Chicken Quesadillas
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Welcome to the online food ordering website of Bubba Takeaway, where you can find freshly made fast food and Indian food to satisfy your cravings. Order food online in Dunfermline and enjoy exclusive deals and discounts.

We have a wide selection of mouthwatering meals, all are prepared with the finest local ingredients. Simply view our great Menu variety to find whatever you crave and more.

You can never go wrong with our freshly made pizzas, juicy burgers, authentic Curries, slow cooked Biryanis, creamy Kormas. Order now and get the freshness delivered straight to your door step!

Please feel free to call us at 01383 223550 and order over the phone.

Thanks for choosing us. Order, Eat and Enjoy!